Hey Everybody! Tomorrow (Thursday 24/9) at 5:30pm we'll be hosting a cooking show live and right here on Reach Digital that you can cook along to! During the show, we'll be making potato rosti, with steak and leafy salad. Everyone is welcome and if you want to cook along all you'll need is a few potatoes, some meat (I'll be using beef, but it doesn't matter if you want to use something else), and some salad leaves (again anything you want). Additionally, it'll be helpful if you have some kitchen staples like oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, but we can work with whatever you have! We'll be starting at 5:30pm, and you should be able to join from about 5 minutes before the start. I'll see you there!

Posted by Tom Whiting at 2020-09-23 06:55:48 UTC